Monday, October 28, 2013
Blissful Balance
Get all your baskets here.
Monday, October 14, 2013
11-22-13 Collapse?
November 22, 2013 is the date given for the expiration of the next U.S debt increase, assuming the current cap is raised. But as this date has such mythic portend to it, I am certain it will be.
Around the world, nation's are raising the alarm that the U.S. debt crisis must be resolved a way that is meaningful and long-term - meaning that the U.S. dollar will no longer be used as the world's reserve currency. Other nation's, particularly China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Japan have all lost faith in the United States. They see our political system as having essentially ground to a stop, paralyzed by Republicans, Tea Partiers, Democrats and Occupy Wall Streeters. The only way out of this world mess is as they perceive it, to excise the cause, and that cause is the U.S. dollar.
What they may not understand is that the dynamics of the problem have been orchestrated long in advance to produce just this series of events. Every option has been thought out in advance, every possibility has been planned and every choice has been charted. Whatever the nation's of the world decide to do, the results have already been preordained.
The United States may experience a financial collapse on November 22 of this year (2013). Or, it may not. God will make that decision, Certainly his wrath has been kindled against the U.S. But if the U.S. financial system does collapse, it will bring the entire U.S. economy down with it. The United States, as we know it today, will cease to exist. If the U.S. financial system goes, much of the world's financial system will also collapse and the military power of the United States will be withdrawn from foreign lands back to the United States. Those nation's dependent upon U.S. military power for their survival and security - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Turkey, Vietnam, etc. could face enemies that they can not easily counter with their own forces alone. World War Three could be the result of a U.S. economic collapse and it could come as soon as 11-22-13.
Will the United States collapse on 11-22-13? We will see.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Obama, the Pope and the Ice Sculpture in Jerusalem
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Free Expert Advise and Consulting
I'm available for free expert advise and consulting.
I'm available to speak about the Book of Revelation, the last Pope - Peter of Rome (according to St Malachy's prophesy), the AntiChrist, destruction of the United States, Obama, the United States as the Babylon of Revelation, the USA being founded as a Christian nation, separation of Church and State, Book of Daniel, the Rapture, the End Times and the Last days.
I am willing to speak on TV or radio, for newspaper or magazines, online, for forums, social media, webcasts, seminars, workshops or talks at churches, colleges or universities.
To schedule an appearance or an interview, please contact me by email at
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God bless,