Saturday, March 28, 2020

The 5 Prophecies - A Message for Today to the Children of God

The Lord your God says:

1. The USA is Babylon of Revelation and will be judged and destroyed unless the people repent and call upon the Lord and return to Him. This judgment has already begun with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and more to come.

2. God is in the process of separating the wheat from the chaff.

3. All Believers must repent, you/we have failed God by allowing God, the Word and Jesus to be removed from our schools, government, businesses and homes and hearts. We no longer discipline our children or train them in the Way of God. As a result, the churches have failed and no longer preach/teach the Word of God; they teach false doctrine to tickle your ears. All Believers must work hard to get Jesus and the Bible back into our local schools, local homes, local families, local businesses, local courts, local colleges, local sports, local elections, local churches and your heart.

4. Abortion is a blood sacrifice to the adversary and must be stopped; every life is sacred from the moment of conception.

5. Donald Trump - regardless of how coarse he may be - was selected by God to be President at this time, to grant a reprieve from judgment for this nation, to lead this nation back to God, strength, prosperity, stability and international respect and to give the people a chance to repent and return themselves and this nation back to God.

Vote for Donald Trump in 2020 and vote for a solid slate of conservative Believers to the greatest degree you can.

The Reprieve – Although the United States is Babylon, the final judgment is not now. God has appointed Donald Trump to lead us away from catastrophe and away from judgment. To not support Donald Trump is to support the evil one.

Those who have ears to hear will hear, those who do not, will not.

The Coronavirus Prophecy

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Prophecy

The Coronavirus is a national and worldwide "timeout" sent to us by God.

Our work, sports, entertainment, movie theaters, bars and eat-in restaurants have all been shut down and closed.

This has happened to give us a chance to forget about our idols and to:

  1. Focus on God, your relationship to God
  2. Rebuild and reconnect with our families and create good memories with them
  3. To serve our neighbors
  4. Not to hoard, not to be scared or panic and to be good stewards of the bounty of a great nation that God has given us.

Food will be delivered on time, toiletries will be delivered on time and other products will be delivered to the stores on time.

All those things you need will be delivered to the stores on time and in the quantities needed.

You may not get what you want, but you will get what you need.

If people stop panicking, there would be plenty to go around.

God has given us the 10 Commandments.

That's a good starting point.

Two additional commandments are

  1. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, and,
  2. To love your neighbor as yourself.

God is asking us to turn away from all sin and from all the idols: online sports, video games and entertainment such as Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and HBO Now etc.

He is asking us to set aside shopping online. Stop buying things on Amazon, eBay, Wish or a million other sites.

Do this just for now, just for the time being, just for this time out, then go back to watching and buying those things online again as you feel is necessary.

Obey the rules and guidelines the government has given you for this time for these are from God.

We are all children of God. God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus to die for us.

The blood of Jesus has washed us clean of our sins if we only accept this free gift as it was given.

God is asking us right now to accept His gift and set aside our sins and idols (and an idol is anything that interferes with or supercedes our relationship to God), and focus on following the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 - Love all as God loves you.

And remember, you are worthy of being loved.

Cook your own food from fresh, unprocessed food or order for delivery from those restaurants in your area. Avoid fast foods and greasy foods.

Honor your soul, honor your body, honor your spirit.

You honor your body by treating it with care and respect. Keep it clean. Wear clean, fresh clothes. Groom daily.

Honor your body where possible by getting outdoors and walking or by yoga, meditation, reading, working out or exercise, or by any other means that honors the body and does not dishonor God.

God is asking us to come to Him, to fight through every obstacle in our lives - our money, our work, our careers, sports, entertainment, gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs or crime - to set all these aside - and find Him.

We are not to judge between each other. That is God's job which He has given to His Son Jesus to administer.

Our job is to love all equally, not to judge, not to call another a sinner, because we all are sinners.

We are to love all equally, treat all equally and set aside our politics, our hatreds and divisions, our religions and denominations, our beliefs and our rights and wrongs and simply honor each other equally as God does and as we honor God.

From now on, and after this moment of travail has passed, focus not on your work, your career, politics, money or wealth or stock, your home or other possessions.

Focus on God.

Focus on God and on being a good steward of those things He has given you.

Focus on doing what is right.

Open your Bible and read it, pray to God and listen, ask questions, seek to hear His voice, then do what He says. And what He says will never contradict the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1.

God wants us to do good to one another, to help one another, to love one another.

He wants us to store up treasures in heaven by honoring each other and by honoring ourselves.

Your body is God's temple and home, treat it as such. Treat others the same way.

Finally, God says if we do all these things the coronavirus will disappear and life will return to normal quickly.

If we do not do these things, judgment will come quickly.

God says; "Go, and sin no more."

Love yourself as God loves you.

You are worthy of being loved.

Love your neighbors; all men, all women, are your neighbors, regardless of their sexual identity or their sexual orientation.

Such things are God's business, not yours.

Obey the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 (Love all equally), and honor your body.

Open your Bible, read it, pray, communicate with your family and friends, go online to do this as necessary, repent of your sins, ask Jesus into your heart and love yourself as God loves you.

Commit all your sins, worries, fears, concerns, hatreds and angers and bad memories to the Lord Jesus. Forgive all those who have done you wrong.

Jesus heals, He can and will heal you.

Be at peace, for all is well in the Lord.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blissful Balance

Blissful Balance - Get your gift basket here! Condolence baskets, healing baskets and comforting baskets, baskets with chamomile.

Get all your baskets here.

Monday, October 14, 2013

11-22-13 Collapse?

In numerology, 11 and 22 are prime numbers. They are not broken down into lesser numerals. 13, because of its context, is a prime number of a different sort. In numerology it would be reduced to 4, but in this context, we will leave it at 13.

November 22, 2013 is the date given for the expiration of the next U.S debt increase, assuming the current cap is raised. But as this date has such mythic portend to it, I am certain it will be.

Around the world, nation's are raising the alarm that the U.S. debt crisis must be resolved a way that is meaningful and long-term - meaning that the U.S. dollar will no longer be used as the world's reserve currency. Other nation's, particularly China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Japan have all lost faith in the United States. They see our political system as having essentially ground to a stop, paralyzed by Republicans, Tea Partiers, Democrats and Occupy Wall Streeters. The only way out of this world mess is as they perceive it, to excise the cause, and that cause is the U.S. dollar.

What they may not understand is that the dynamics of the problem have been orchestrated long in advance to produce just this series of events. Every option has been thought out in advance, every possibility has been planned and every choice has been charted. Whatever the nation's of the world decide to do, the results have already been preordained.

The United States may experience a financial collapse on November 22 of this year (2013). Or, it may not. God will make that decision, Certainly his wrath has been kindled against the U.S. But if the U.S. financial system does collapse, it will bring the entire U.S. economy down with it. The United States, as we know it today, will cease to exist. If the U.S. financial system goes, much of the world's financial system will also collapse and the military power of the United States will be withdrawn from foreign lands back to the United States. Those nation's dependent upon U.S. military power for their survival and security - Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Turkey, Vietnam, etc. could face enemies that they can not easily counter with their own forces alone. World War Three could be the result of a U.S. economic collapse and it could come as soon as 11-22-13.

Will the United States collapse on 11-22-13? We will see.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Obama, the Pope and the Ice Sculpture in Jerusalem

Obama is due to arrive in Jerusalem on March 20, according to local Israeli newspapers. At the top of the President's agenda is to convince (confirm?) Prime Minister Netanyahu that the US is serious about preventing Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. Is this "And he will confirm a covenant with many." - Daniel 9:27? On the second day of Obama's visit, at precisely noon time, Obama will visit a model of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period. Israel is also featuring an Ice Festival during the months of March and April. Although it is unclear if Obama will visit, a sculpture has been constructed in his image. Revelation 13:15 - "The second beast (the Pope?) was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed." According to the prophecy of Saint Malachy written in 1138 A.D. St. Malachy stated there would be 112 popes of the Roman Catholic Church. St. Malachy did not assign names to these popes, but rather he described them in a descriptive manner. Pope number 111 he described as being of the olives or somehow being connected to olives. To some of his friends, Pope Benedict - who has recently resigned - was known as the Olivet Pope. Pope Benedict was also pope number 111. Saint Malachy did make one exception in his descriptions of the future Popes of the Catholic Church. He said the final Pope, Pope number 112, would be a black man whom he named Peter of Rome. Revelation 8:1, "When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour." On February 3, 2013, the Superbowl was played between the Baltimore Ravens and the San Francisco 49er's. About a minute and a half into the third quarter following a 109 yard punt return by Jacoby Jones, the lights went out in the stadium. After about half an hour (34 minutes) the lights came on again. I have heard, and I tend to agree, that this period of about half an hour is symbolic of Revelation 8:1. The second half of this game was also totally different than the first half. Although the Ravens held off the attack by San Francisco, the game was a much different game in the second half than it was during the first half. I believe this is also God's way of saying that the next three and a half years will be totally different than the last three and a half years. A couple of years ago while sitting in church on a Sunday morning, I suddenly felt the impression to write something. I grabbed a church bulletin and on the back of it I wrote, "Within the next five days, the world will have changed." Five days later, the Arab Spring began. I have that sane feeling again. But this time, I have this feeling: Within the next ten days, the world will have changed. God is coming, Jesus will be here soon, I am ready to meet my maker (can;t wait in fact) are you ready?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Free Expert Advise and Consulting

by Perry Jones

I'm available for free expert advise and consulting.

I'm available to speak about the Book of Revelation, the last Pope - Peter of Rome (according to St Malachy's prophesy), the AntiChrist, destruction of the United States, Obama, the United States as the Babylon of Revelation, the USA being founded as a Christian nation, separation of Church and State, Book of Daniel, the Rapture, the End Times and the Last days.

I am willing to speak on TV or radio, for newspaper or magazines, online, for forums, social media, webcasts, seminars, workshops or talks at churches, colleges or universities.

To schedule an appearance or an interview, please contact me by email at

or leaver a message at


God bless,


Monday, December 17, 2012

How Many More Must Die?

By Perry Jones

What happened in Newtown, Connecticut is not just a local tragedy, it is a national tragedy. It is a national horror perpetrated by a monster exacerbated by a culture and media that glorifies hate, violence, destruction and death.

The thing we should not be discussing, because it is not relevant, but which we will discuss, because people think it is the focus of this tragedy – is guns.

This terror was committed by an individual who used a gun as a tool. The gun was not the weapon, the person was. And behind him stand still others, using him for their own purposes; to steer national debate and the subsequent opinion in the direction they choose. They think to raise the relative threat which remains the greatest obstacle between liberty and tyranny, between what they want, but do not yet have. But as George W. once – erroneously – stated, “Let us not discuss or entertain conspiracy theories.” Indeed not. Instead let us focus on the level we can understand, a level that we all can comprehend, at a distance we can grasp, with voices that can be heard. Let us talk about guns.

There will be those who ask how could God allow this, why did God permit 20 innocent children to die, how could God permit this to happen? But we have separated ourselves from God. We have turned our back on God and filled our society with games and TV shows filled with hate, violence and death. We have taken God out of our schools and out of our politics and then we wonder what has gone wrong with the way we live, what is wrong with our government? And we wonder why our society is a reflection of what we have intentionally created.

We condemn this senseless act of unspeakable horror and we grieve for the families who have lost a part of themselves. Their hearts are torn and broken; the healing – at best – will be long in coming. We condemn this unmitigated act of violence against innocent children, as well we should, but then we go back to our Wii or Playstation or Xbox and play another game of Saw, Black Ops, Modern Warfare or God of War.

Overseas, U.S. drones target individuals while collateral damage – the deaths of women and children – can number in the dozens. George W.’s mercenaries customarily tortured and executed prisoners and drove down Baghdad streets spraying bullets in every direction and then laughed if someone died as a result of their hail of gunpowder and lead.

In Newtown, Connecticut the weapon was not a gun, the weapon was you.

We all share blame – for allowing the evening news to air violent crime, shootings and murders on a daily basis.

We all share blame – when game designers create games in which the winner is the one who has scored the most kills.

We all share blame – when TV shows and reality shows depict assault, violence and crime.

We all share blame.

A gun is not the weapon, we are, you and I, and our culture of Godlessness, indifference and hate; our culture of drugs, disrespect, war and violence and the loss of dignity of ourselves, of our family, our neighbor and our nation.

We all share blame because we collectively have turned our backs on God - and the culture we have become, the culture we see around us everyday – is the result. A nation that was founded on the Judaeo-Christian tradition is now the world purveyor in disseminating violence, hatred and war.

We say that if only we could limit access to guns, restrict gun ownership or ban guns that this tragedy in Newtown would never have occurred or that it will never happen again. But there are no guns in prison, and people die. There are no guns in China but in Tiananmen Square 7,000 innocent college students were killed. There were no guns in Cambodia and 2 million people died. There are no guns in Scandinavia and people die. Why is it that Switzerland, a nation with an assault rifle in nearly every home, has a crime rate so much lower than the U.S.A? Is it because that in Switzerland there is a different culture or that those who would commit crime know that if they were to barge into a school with a gun, rob a bank or grocery store or rush into someone’s home carrying a gun, they just might get shot?

When we remove our schools, our families, our neighborhoods and our politics from God, we can only replace that void with – what? Someone’s good behavior? We see what that gets us. Any criminal with a gun can kill dozens. In Newtown, Connecticut, 20 innocent lives have been taken by a madman; 20 family BBQs will now be less, 20 family picnics, 20 touchdowns, 20 school plays, 20 Christmas trees, 20 home runs, 20 soccer goals, 20 basketball hoops made, 20 birthdays – lost, all lost. Taken by a maniac who sprays bullets from a gun.

When someone comes at you with a gun the best place to be is somewhere else. But if that’s not possible, the next best option is to run. If you can’t do that, then you must fight. If you do not fight and the other guy means to take your life – you lose. If you decide to fight but the other guy has a gun and you do not, you most likely lose. If you fight and you have a gun and the other guy does too, the statistics show that the odds are considerably in your favor. You will most likely survive.

How many of the 20 innocent lives lost in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if the principal, when she ran at the shooter with her defenseless body, instead had a gun?

How many of the 20 innocent lives lost in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if the school psychologist, when she heard the shooting and came running out of her office, instead of running defenseless, what if she had a gun?

What if any of the teachers who shielded their students with their bodies had a gun? How many of Newtown’s children would be alive today?

A school administrator said she heard the bang, bang, bang of the shots, but she hid under her desk, unable to do anything – because she had no gun. How many of the 20 innocent lives in Newtown, Connecticut would be alive today if you and I had allowed her to have a gun? How many?

The meaning of this tragic event is clear for those of us who are willing to face the truth honestly. If the teachers had guns, those students would be alive today. We must not ban guns, we must not restrict guns, we must not limit guns, we must train how to use them.

When we ask the question of what to do to prevent tragedies of this type in the future, the first step is to do exactly as the School Board of Newtown, Connecticut has done. Train. Implement security measures and train in those measures intensely - and frequently. These measures likely saved many more lives at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But that doesn’t stop a madman from crashing through a door, that doesn’t stop someone from wearing Kevlar, that doesn’t stop someone intent on murder from carrying an arm full of guns. Nor will any law or prohibition against guns.

When a gunman walks up to a school full of innocent children, what is more likely to make him go away; a sign that reads “All weapons prohibited on school grounds” or a sign that reads “Staff heavily armed and trained. Any attempt to harm children will be met with deadly force”?